The city of Bhaktapur, also known as “Bhaktapur Durbar Square,” is a museum of medieval art and architecture with many examples of sculpture, woodcarving, and huge pagoda temples dedicated to many gods and goddesses. It is located 15 kilometers from Kathmandu. It consists of a collection of pagoda and shikhara-style temples arranged around a brick and wood palace with fifty-five…
The Major attraction of Patan Durbar Square
The Patan Durbar Square is situated in the central of the city of Lalitpur. It is one of Kathmandu’s three Durbar Squares, all of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Durbar Square is a Newar architectural masterpiece. The floor of the whole Durbar square is tiled with red brick, traditional Newari style. There are numerous temples and idols in…
Nagarkot- beautiful tourist destination
Nagarkot is located 32 kilometers northeast of Kathmandu. It is well-known for its breathtaking Himalayan views and short treks. Depending on traffic, you can get to Nagarkot from Kathmandu in under 2 hours. Mount Everest can be seen from here, and sunrise and sunset watching are the most popular activities, however, the view is better at various times of the…
स्टार्टअप वर्ल्ड कपको फाइनलमा ट्याक्सीमाण्डुका अर्जुन केसी बिजयी
CONGRATULATONS TO Mr. Arjun KC, Founder of TAXIMANDU for STARTUP WORLD CUP NEPAL CHAMPION Hat. We Wish further Successfully winning WORLD CUP WINNER Hat. जेठ ५, काठमाडौं । स्टार्टअप वर्ल्ड कपको नेपाल एडिसनको बुधबार आज भएको फाइनलमा ट्याक्सीमाण्डु सर्भिस प्रा.लिका अर्जुन केसी बिजयी भएका छन् । यो प्रतिश्पर्धाको फाइनलमा पुगेका बिभिन्न कम्पनीका १० उत्कृष्ट स्टार्टअपहरुले भाग लिएका थिए । विश्वभरका…
यात्रुहरुको सहजताका लागि ‘ट्याक्सीमान्डु’
काठमाडौँ । पछिल्लो समय यात्रुहरुको सहजताका लागि विभिन्न एपहरु सञ्चालनमा आएका छन् । जसले मानिसको दैनिक यात्रालाई सहज बनाएको छ । यस्तै एपहरुको भिडमा बिहीबार एउटा नयाँ एप सार्वजनिक भएको छ, ‘ट्याक्सीमाण्डु’ । ‘फील सेफ राइड अन टाइम’ स्लोगनकासाथ यो एप परम्परागत ट्याक्सी व्यवसायमा प्रविधिको प्रयोग गरी सहज रुपमा ट्याक्सी चालक र यात्रुबीच समन्वय गराउने उद्देश्यले सञ्चालनमा आएको हो ।…